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时间:2023-06-29 13:25:05 来源:网友投稿



2023英文总结 第1篇




a university in Asia


A cat has nine


I know a John Lennon,but not the famous

表示数量的一 He has a

表示单位数量的每一 I earn 10 dollars an


The two birds are of a


He grows up in a large

在某种情况下可用于抽象名词和物质名词前 China has a long





The sun,the moon,the earth

表示地点、方向、时间、方式等 at the corner 在拐角处

1) 在表示季节的名词前常不用冠词。

In spring 在春天

2) 具体某年的某个季节,需用冠词。

In the summer of the year20XX

3)用于序数词或形容词的最高级前 the first the second

4)用于形容词前使其名词化 the rich the poor

5)用于复数姓氏前,表示―夫妇‖或全家 The Smiths

6)用于乐器名词前 Play the piano

7)用于by+the+计量单位名词 By the pound



Students should obey the school 学生应该遵守校规。


The students are too 这些学生太懒。


Bread is made from 面包是用面粉做的。

Wood is a poor conductor of 木头是声音的不良导体。


He sawed the wood into three 他把木头锯成三块。



Mr Smith is our English teaches us 史密斯先生教我们英语。

The Smith you‘re looking for no longer lives



Jim has gone to 吉姆已上床睡觉了。

She goes to church every 她每周星期天都去做礼拜。

这类主要涉及bed, church, class, college, school, university, work, hospital, prison, market, sea, town等。另外,这类名词前用不用冠词有时与英美英语的表达习惯有关。如:―住院‖在英国英语中通常说成 in hospital,而在美国英语中则通常说成in the hospital;类似的还有go to university (英)上大学 / go to the university (美)上大学;at table (英)在吃饭 / at the table (美)在吃饭。


Wilson became President of the 威尔逊当了美国总统。

He will be made captain of the football 他将被选为足球队队长。


We are all interested in 我们大家都对物理感兴趣。


go to sea 去当水手 at home 在家 at night 在晚上 at least 至少

at most 至多 at first 首先 at last 最后 in bed 在床上

on foot 步行 face to face 面对面

2023英文总结 第2篇







2023英文总结 第3篇







板书的排版也不能天马行空,而是要让学生一看就明了?这些都是书本上很难学到的东西。一周的听课时间下来,作为实习生的我,感触都很深,除了以上提到的这些,光是"Sit down,please!"这一句,一个老师一节课就要说上几十遍,教学的内容固然重要,学生与老师间基本的尊重,也是我们今后教学中需要注意的地方。


正式上课前,朱老师让我试讲。刚开始还以为,就只有她一个人在教师来听我的课。但是,当我迈进教室时,才发现还有其他的老师。当时的心"扑通扑通"直跳!可一想到朱老师平时的话语和自己的充分准备就不是那么害怕了。试教的时候,刚上课那会儿,班里的学生都很迷糊,几乎连提的问题都回答不上来。后来,不知是他们的求知欲望,还是那种活泼的气息让他们开始活跃起来!一个个把小手举得老高说:"Lets me try!"那一瞬间,对学生的积极劲儿很是感动!


在那一瞬间,我很感激她,感激她的勇气!接下来,又陆续上去了几个同学,他们都表现得很好!同时,一个个小手都举得老高,争先恐后地争取这个机会。实习,就像进了社会大熔炉一般,千淘万漉虽辛苦,就算被磨练得遍体鳞伤,也要摩拳擦掌,做好又一次投身熔炉的准备。我在实习中逐渐变得"勇敢"。虽然开始也会有顾忌,怕"主动出击"会招惹"不知天高地厚"的蔑视。但事实告诉我,应该对自己有信心,应有勇气去尝试。即便在尝试中失败,也能让自己成长,没有锻炼的机会,谈何积累和成长?而这一切,只能靠自己去争取。等待,只能让你在沉默中消亡,只有主动,才能为自己创造良机。实习,陪伴我经受了挫折,也经受了欢乐!实习的经历虽已经过去,可我还会回头去看一下我在那里留下的脚印,我相信那不会是我旅途的归宿,而是我充满挑战和希望的开始!正是:"纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬身!" 这次校外实习,我的体会还不完全局限于教学上,还有心态上。虽然刚刚踏上工作岗位,但是这几个月的上课时间,对于教师这个职业也算是有了一个比较全面的了解,每天备课、听课、批改作业??还要面对一群性格各异的学生。我能感受到作为一名老师的确很不容易,怎样把课上的既有效率又有新意,怎样管理班级纪律,怎样处理学生不做作业情况等等,一个个问题都迎面而来。现在是一个全新的开端,如果被这些问题难倒,退缩,那以后只会恶性循环,我相信,幸福是一种心态,追求幸福是一个快乐的过程。我告诉自己,每天都要用积极的心态面对生活,教师是个积累的过程,只要每天进步一点收获一点,比昨天的自己更加优秀,那么离成功也就近了一步。看到过一本书“不抱怨的世界”,每天提醒自己不要抱怨,21天就能够养成不抱怨的习惯,多一份从容和淡定,少一份急躁和冲动,用平稳的心态面对教师工作中的各种挑战。从明天起,做一个幸福的人,备课、教学,批改作业;

2023英文总结 第4篇

Since the beginning of this year, I have a fine tradition of loving our motherland and so on. We can actively participate in political studies, care about national affairs, earnestly study the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and support the party"s various policies.

To comply with school rules and regulations, respect for teachers, unity of students, the political demands of progress; learning a clear purpose, correct attitude, study the business.

I abide by the law, respect teachers, enthusiastic, and students get along. I have a strong sense of collective honor, and strive to do a good job for the class for the school. As a member, I thought of progress, abide by social morality, and actively participate in practice, concerned about national affairs. Under the leadership of the CYL organizations, we will strive to better exercise ourselves and improve ourselves and raise our ideological consciousness.

I wholeheartedly support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love the socialist motherland, the march of the pace of reform, with the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, armed themselves, and actively participate in the party study group, and gradually improve their political and ideological consciousness, The organization submitted a party application. As a monitor, I can set an example, discipline, students set a good example, and to unite the class committee, handle all the affairs of the class, is the teacher"s right-hand man.

I love our party, love the socialist motherland, high ideological consciousness, and actively participate in the activities of the school organization and the party study group, strive for progress. At school, I am a model to comply with the "Code of secondary school students" and "daily behavior of middle school students." Respect for teachers, the organization of discipline, and served as a member of the class __ positions. Work conscientiously and responsibly, unite students, play the spirit of friendship and mutual assistance.

2023英文总结 第5篇





















2023英文总结 第6篇

At the end of the __ year, summed up the work of the past year, Evaluation of their own situation over the past year, for next year can be better, more targeted development to prepare themselves for self-evaluation is also very

Time flies, and then spent a blink of an eye for a Looking back this year, I am very happy to be able to make progress with my I have also learned a lot of knowledge and skills in my Thank you for helping me in the past In the past year, I can evaluate myself as a qualified employee, on time and quantity to complete the company"s But think of when a company"s outstanding employees but there is still some I think that when the company"s outstanding staff, not only in the work to do well, the business should be Moreover, in the person, the need for integrity, modesty, cohesion, can drive the company"s colleagues work hard for the company, the cause of recognition, business capabilities continue to In the past year"s performance, self-evaluation of their own or a lot of problems, need to learn and improve things there are

These are my year-end summary of my work in the __ I know I have a lot of problems, but I will continue to work hard to improve their self-cultivation, improve their own quality, improve operational capacity and improve For the company"s development and

2023英文总结 第7篇









(1)坚持课前热身活动。为了培养学生听说及口语表达能力,课前设置5分钟热身活动,让学生轮流做Duty Report,内容形式不限,随着学生词汇量的加大和内容的深入,到八年级,开始加大难度,一位学生做Duty Report,其他学生认真听,听完以后回答老师就Duty Report中设置的问题。到九年级,进一步加大难度,学生不仅要听,听完以后自问自答。这种由浅入深的方法既符合学生接受能力,又循序渐进的有效的训练了学生的听说和口语交际能力,为中考的口语测试打下基础。为了扩展学生的交际用语,进行了课程整合,每节课前给学生教两句Crazy English ,其中包括名言警句、谚语、常用英语绝佳句型100句、关于天气的经典会话、经典赞美30句、表示喜怒哀乐的英文短句、1000句最常用英语口语、绝对精品英文句型(100句)、日常生活中常用的英语五星级句子等。大大提高了学生的口语交际和写作能力。









评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学习过程,平时重视形成性评价,对学生学习过程中的表现我经常会用鼓励和发展性的口头评价:”You are great。” “You did a good job。” “Well done。” Would

2023英文总结 第8篇








2023英文总结 第9篇

Time flies, a flash of the new semester is about to begin, and slowly away from us in 20XX, the first semester of university life is officially announced the end, but the year 20XX, which will always have our beautiful This year we for our own goals, dreams, we cried we laughed, we also experienced the University of study and life, and here to get to know a lot of good students together, good friends, good

20XX was a very important and memorable year for me because there was a big change in my life both in my studies and in my University of the time day, week, month in the past, we met each other new students, together with military training, learning together, their choice of favorite University life is very rich and very free, some people are busy, leisurely you can 24 hours at the computer game, but some people are busy, can be busy to the day without even the rest of time, I think the University has Two kinds of people, play dead and busy dead people, in fact, this is like an endless ladder on both sides, we are beginning to set sail in the middle, forward and backward are in an I like the latter, so tired though, but

Recalling the freshman, I also have a lot of things to do in many ways is not good In view of the lack of last semester, I feel we should try to start from the following aspects, and strive to do: 1 learning

(1) the study of specialized courses, should be clear objectives, take the initiative to overcome various learning difficulties, and constantly improve their interest in

(2) to treat public courses, to recognize its practical value, and strive to indirect interest in public courses into direct learning

(3) the study of elective courses, attention should be paid to only stay in the shallow understanding and understanding of the

(4) adjust the learning

After entering the university, the teacher-led teaching model has become a student-led self-learning Teachers teach knowledge in the classroom, the students not only to digest the understanding of classroom learning content, but also a lot of reading the relevant books and It can be said that the level of self-learning ability to become the most important factors affecting academic In college, the content of teaching content, including more and more large, sitting alone in the classroom hard to read is difficult to We must learn to use modern high-tech teaching methods to master and enhance the knowledge Such as the Internet, libraries, to get a lot of information to improve their Of course, college freshmen have to change some of the original concept: in the university, the test scores are not the most important indicators to measure people, people pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of the cultivation and overall quality Here, the competition is potential,

Interpersonal relations

Communication is the most important part of interpersonal relationships, is between people to pass emotions, attitudes, facts, beliefs and ideas of the process, so good communication refers to a two-way communication process, not a person in speech, Or play the other side to sing a one-man show, so in the study of life we should listen to each other"s heart to say what? To understand each other thinking? The other side feel? And their own ideas back to each So I build good interpersonal relationships, we should start from the following aspects: the depth of self-awareness and acceptance; often sincere attitude; humble and gentle heart; moderate self-expression; respect and appreciate others; seek common values partner . 3 reasonable time arrangements

Students learning time is limited, reasonable time, great I feel that we should make full use of the study time during the day because of good mental state during the day, memory, active thinking, daytime learning efficiency is equivalent to one and a half hours of the Every day before the class we are in the mind to do a simple learning plan, set yourself a small goal, to prevent unintended Pre-school supplies ready to learn what to do a simple preview, focus on lectures in Also, do not just focus on the whole Second, to co-ordinate arrangements for extra-curricular learning time, to deal with things for the priorities, you can use the "ABC" time classification, according to prioritized tasks are divided into A (important), B (minor), C (general) Important things to do first; secondary things, then deal with; flexible handling of the general In doing homework to adjust their state, as far as possible to make the brain, physical, emotional state in the best, the pursuit of higher

Time flies, in a blink of an eye we in the beautiful campus of Agricultural University ushered in the sophomore of the second semester, each new start is a challenge, I believe that in this new semester, we can continue to Challenge yourself, continuous progress, the pursuit of a more exciting life!

2023英文总结 第10篇

1、The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky, The morning crowned it with


2、The dust receives insult and in return offers her


3、God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of his special


4、 Not hammer-strokes, but dance of the water sings the pebbles into


5、God"s great power is in the gentle breeze, not in the


6、By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the


7、The great walks with the small without The middling keeps


8、" The learned say that your lights will one day be no " said the firefly to the stars made no


9、The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its


10、God loves man"s lamp-lights better than his own great


2023英文总结 第11篇
























2023英文总结 第12篇

20xx is coming to an end, the new year is Xx project from mid-April 20xx formal construction to the present, of which the total number of steel pipe gantry workshop area of 9820 square meters, reserved warehouse door frame steel structure with a total area of 3840 square meters, the main body in early June 20xx, 20xx In mid-October across the board into use, the results with the company"s leadership and the project department of the hard work of all employees are inseparable, but also our design department, Department of Materials, Engineering and other companies from top to bottom the result of unity and In the whole construction process of the project, also deeply aware of the importance of teamwork, some of their own shortcomings, team harmony, are the key factors affecting the smooth progress of the To this end, now the fourth quarter engineering work summarized as follows:

First, the schedule of progress

In the early stage of construction, under the consistent efforts of the whole company, the whole works well and the project has a good trend from safety, quality and However, the processing of raw materials is an important , The audit of its materials related to the acceptance of the project safety, progress and other major (Materials often problems: 1, the material does not match the original Refer to the drawings one by one inspection to ensure that the material is correct; followed by raw materials in the production process to increase its efforts to monitor the company to ensure the correct production of materials for the Do not need to do a good job guarantee .2, raw materials approach the corresponding information is not perfect .It is recommended in the process of distribution of materials, the organization of the corresponding information staff to prepare the appropriate information on the vehicle distribution .3, good drawings review, the original design of common sense I would like to set up the company before the corresponding set of leadership, design, materials, engineering (recommended construction team in the conditions permitting, in the event of the construction site, The meeting will be responsible for the corresponding person in charge of a "pre-Conference" for the drawings, contracts, raw materials collection, material distribution co-ordination, design technology, on-site management issues to do a full range of analysis, co-ordination, Responsibilities, unity team

In the foundation construction, the weather and other irresistible factors, is affecting the overall project successfully completed the biggest stumbling block, for this site managers should be based on the actual situation of the site, Party, weather and other factors to do the appropriate adjustments, reasonable arrangements for the construction schedule, Effective measures to catch up with the progress of the In this, I also deeply aware of their own shortcomings, the face of rainy weather can not reasonably organize workers to do the preparatory work for the latter part of the progress of the work, the corresponding conditions permitting the corresponding time delay caused by the progress of the project to step up , The corresponding surprise overtime is my own lack of management experience, can not be reasonable and effective deployment of workers to fully implement, so in the future work there are many places need to learn to

Second, the construction safety

Site construction to be able to truly realize that production safety is a business and personal casting too fine in the premise and We can realize the social attitude of "people-oriented, safety first", and can realize the importance and necessity of safety facilities, safety education and In the early stage of construction, do a good job of worker safety education, the signing of the corresponding labor contract, the security at the end, always bear in mind safety awareness, xx reserved warehouse project midway construction workers in the process of fall, as the scene responsible for people I can not Shirking responsibility, in the company"s leadership under the same concerted efforts to take appropriate emergency measures for the injured in a timely and effective fight for the most valuable time to rescue, making the final health recovery workers to provide a strong guarantee for this I also reflect on their own deep, In the future construction site safety management work, always do a good job "Sambo, four, five edge", the construction of civilization, the safety education of workers, investigation of security risks as the focus of the work and the development of specific security Implementation of programs and measures for the smooth conduct of escort the

Third, the construction quality

A hundred years, Xx project, with the already completed, but still left a lot of thorny issues, such as: roof tile sun lap at the water leakage, wall windows leaks to the party"s production has caused some impact, but also for the company The unnecessary loss, which I am deeply guilty, has been working to In view of the above, I think in the construction process of the construction process to monitor their time, to avoid the workers paralysis thinking, to work with the team signed a technical agreement, if necessary, the quality of the agreement signed and develop the appropriate quality inspection cycle, found in the construction process quality defects The implementation of the implementation of the settlement, and truly quality problems in the dynamic management of quality inspection In strict accordance with national norms, standards and household acceptance criteria for the construction, the quality of the

Fourth, cost control and project advance payment

Cost control

1) material control: the construction of the early preparation of a detailed construction budget and material consumption plan, in the construction process according to site conditions changes, design changes, negotiation and other factors gradually The construction team with the task list to receive materials, materials, out of the library has a detailed To ensure the normal supply of materials in the circumstances, to eliminate

2) the use of new technology, reduce labor, improve efficiency to increase efficiency (combined with the actual situation on the site may be).

Project advance payment

And xxx Group , signed a construction contract in the terms of the project advances, the construction unit there arrears and delays, which makes the smooth progress of the project have also been affected, in view of this issue on-site managers to fully do a good job under the premise of engineering work to ensure, Party A to do a good job when the communication, to ensure that the payment of funds for the company to do the most effective back-up

With the contract team signed a labor contract, we have never had arrears in accordance with the contract, with occasional delays, the scene also do a good job to appease the work to ensure that the final so that migrant workers safe and secure the work, happily

Looking back at this year"s work there is growth and lack of clear analysis of their work in the shortcomings and advantages of understanding the gap, to accept the lessons learned in the future work to avoid weaknesses, improve and improve the construction method, which is a valuable asset for future work . Gradually improve their views and consciousness, and continuously improve the professional quality and level, strengthen the sense of responsibility, cultivate love and dedication, people-oriented, strengthen management and enhance team Let us Engineering Department of the results of the identification of "brilliant Zheng Tong, show iron army "

2023英文总结 第13篇



一、 it的用法 作人称代词

John likes playing Ping He always does it in the (指代上下文提到的事物); /It"s time we went / How far is it from here to your home ? / It is getting warmer and It"s very quiet at the (可指时间、天气、环境等) 引导词


It"s important for us to learn a second It"s no use talking to It"s known to all that the earth goes round the


We feel it our duty to help He made it clear that he would leave the 强调结构:It is (was) +被强调部分+that (或who)…

注意:在强调结构中,如被强调部分为时间状语或地点状语,其后的连接词也绝不能为when 或where,而应用that 。在复习中,一定要注意句式的不同。

It was in Shanghai that I bought the (that引起强调句) It was Shanghai where I bought the (where引起定从)

It was twelve o"clock when we arrived (when引起时间状语从句) It was at twelve o"clock that we arrived (that 引起强调句)

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